Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Story

   When I was growing up, I never realized that life was really as hard as it is. When, I was in elementary school I was always known as the freaky weird girl because I didn't have friends and I looked different then every other person. After a while I gave up and I started to lash out on everyone except for my best friend  (to this day still is.) I went to anger management for my entire elementary school years and hated every second of it. As soon as I made it to junior high I was mostly over my anger and most people started to like me, because most of the people had never met me. But, that was a life that never lasted. When, I got to sixth grade I always thought life was great because I had no idea what people around me were saying. As soon as word spread I saw that NO ONE liked me because I was mean. I never tried to and I never thought that I was until that moment. I spend most of that year alone and I never had the same friends again. I started to hang out with  the wrong crowd. I never did anything bad and I never attempted what they did. One of the people smocked crack and I just ignored it because she was controlling. Everyone in that group also cut themselves and always attempted suicide, for no reason. Even if they did all that, they were probably the best group people I've ever met. I always cried in corners at school to escape them and/or shut my mouth and listened. I was told to suck up everything. Even when my parents got divorced no one pittied (I didn't expect it) and told me to shut up and give it a break. I always resented my mom after that. She never talked to me nice and I was always working for her. I was physicality doing her job and chores and I still do. I have been making my own dinner for about six years because she was too busy. When ever my room wasn't clean she smacked me with spatulas and spoons, even to this day. But anyway, I met a really good friend in seventh grade and was really good friends with her and we did everything together. I brought her to Lake Powell, let her sleep over, paid her into places, and let her use my car (which she wrecked). She told me this year that I was mean (sound famillier?)  and that I was too jaded by people. She ditched me and took all my friends, spread rumors and put on fake pics, online. At that moment I wanted to die. My dad still worked all the time and my mom was out of the story. I tried suicide three times and failed everytime, the only reason I din't die is because of that friend, she came and found me after I had swallowed a bunch of pills. She did that for me because I did it for her. She tried suicide once after being abused and got into a car wreak, in which I saved in both cases. I am done with that now and I see life positively, I want to help any other people with their storys because it's not worth it. Please share yours!!!

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